Pathankot to Chandigarh ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings
Pathankot to Chandigarh operates as per schedule given below:-
Pathankot to Chandigarh ISBT 43 distance by road – 230 KMs
Pathankot to Chandigarh bus ticket price/fare – Rs. 422/-
Total Time Taken to reach ISBT 43 Chandigarh from Pathankot – 4.5 hours (approx.)
Pathankot to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timetable
S.No. | Departure Time | Route |
1 | 12:55 P.M. | Pathankot to Chandigarh ISBT 43 |
2 | 01:45 P.M. | Pathankot to Chandigarh ISBT 43 |
Distance between Pathankot to Chandigarh is 230 KMs. There are many options available to travel like Pathankot to Chandigarh Volvo but the best suited is CTU bus because they run at regular timings daily.
The journey by road takes about 6-7 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Pathankot is a city in the Indian state of Punjab, and is located near the border with the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Chandigarh is the capital city of Punjab, and is known for its modern architecture and well-planned layout.
To travel from Pathankot to Chandigarh, you can take a bus or hire a taxi. There are several bus operators that offer regular bus services between the two cities, with departures throughout the day. The buses usually stop at ISBT 43 (Inter State Bus Terminal) in Chandigarh on their way from Pathankot. You can check the availability and schedules of these buses on the website of the Punjab Roadways or on online ticket booking platforms.
Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi to make the journey from Pathankot to Chandigarh. This can be a more convenient option if you are traveling in a group or with a lot of luggage, as it allows you to travel at your own pace and schedule. You can book a taxi through a local taxi operator or through an online platform such as Ola or Uber.
Also Check: Chandigarh to Pathankot CTU Bus Timings