Shimla to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timings


Shimla to Chandigarh ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings

Shimla to ISBT 43 Bus operates as per schedule given below:-

Shimla to ISBT 43 distance by road – 120 KMs

Shimla to Chandigarh ISBT 43 bus fare – Rs. 318/-

Total Time Taken to reach Chandigarh from Shimla – 4.5 hours (approx.)

Shimla to ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings (AC)

S. No.Departure TimeArrival TimeRoute
112:50 PM05:25 PMShimla to ISBT 43
203:30 PM08:05 PMShimla to ISBT 43
306:30 PM11:05 PMShimla to ISBT 43

Shimla to ISBT 43 Bus Timetable

S. No. Departure Time Arrival Time Route
111:36 AM04:00 PM Shimla to ISBT 43
212:58 PM5:30 PM Shimla to ISBT 43
304:28 PM09:00 PM Shimla to Chd

Distance between Shimla to Chandigarh is 120 KMs. There are many options available to travel like bla bla car Shimla to Chandigarh, Taxi but the best suited is CTU bus because they run at regular timings daily.

Shimla and Chandigarh are two cities located in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, India. The distance between Shimla and Chandigarh is approximately 114 kilometers, and the journey by road takes about 3-4 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

There are several ways to travel from Shimla to Chandigarh, including by bus, taxi, or car. The most popular and convenient option is to take a bus from Shimla to Chandigarh, as there are frequent bus services available from Shimla to Chandigarh, and the journey takes about 4 hours. Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi or drive your own car, which can be a more comfortable and faster option, although it may be more expensive.

If you are planning to travel from Shimla to Chandigarh, it is advisable to book your tickets or hire a taxi in advance, as the demand for transportation can be high during peak tourist seasons. You should also make sure to carry your identification documents with you, as they may be required while traveling.

Check out Chandigarh ISBT 43 To Shimla Bus Timings.

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