Hisar to Chandigarh Bus operates as per schedule given below:-
Hisar to Chandigarh ISBT – 17 distance by road – 251 KMs
Hisar to Chandigarh bus ticket price/fare – Rs419./-
Total Time Taken to reach Chandigarh ISBT-17 from Hisar – 4.5 hours (approx.)
Hisar to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timetable
S.No. | Departure Time | Route |
1 | 12:40 p.m. | HISAR to ISBT-17 |
2 | 7:33 a.m. | HISAR to ISBT-17 |
There are several buses that operate between Hisar and Chandigarh on a daily basis. The travel time may vary depending on the traffic and the route taken by the bus.