Jaipur to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timings


Embark on a smooth voyage from Chandigarh to Jaipur aboard the esteemed Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) bus service. Rest assured, the CTU bus adheres meticulously to the schedule detailed below, guaranteeing passengers a journey devoid of inconvenience and hassles.

  • Jaipur  to Chandigarh Sector 17 Distance by Road: 500 Kms
  • Jaipur to Chandigarh Bus Ticket Price/Fare: Rs. 400
  • Total Time Taken to Reach Chandigarh from Jaipur : 9 hours.

Jaipur to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timetable

S.No.Departure TimeRoute
108:30 p.m.ISBT-17 to Jaipur  

Note: Ticket Price may vary as per the CTU Administration

Check: Chandigarh to Jaipur Bus Timings

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