Patiala to Chandigarh Bus Timing


Patiala to Chandigarh ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings

Patiala to Chandigarh Bus operates as per schedule given below:-

Patiala to Chandigarh ISBT 43 distance by road – 68 KMs

Patiala to Chandigarh bus ticket price/fare – Rs. 110/-

Total Time Taken to reach ISBT 43 Chandigarh from Patiala – 1.5 hours (approx.)

Patiala to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timings (AC Buses)

S.No.Departure TimeRoute
110:25 a.m.Patiala to ISBT 43
202:20 p.m. Patiala to Chandigarh
305:30 p.m.Patiala to CHD

Patiala to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timetable (Non-AC Buses)

S.No.Departure TimeRoute
109:40 a.m.Patiala to ISBT 43
210:40 a.m. Patiala to Chandigarh
311:15 a.m.Patiala to CHD
402:21 p.m.Patiala to ISBT 43

Distance between Patiala to Chandigarh is 68 KMs. There are many options available to travel like Patiala to Chandigarh taxi, Volvo but the best suited is CTU bus because they run at regular timings daily.

The fastest way to travel between the two cities is by road, which typically takes about 2 hours by car. You can also take a bus or train from Patiala to Chandigarh, although these modes of transportation may take slightly longer.

If you prefer to drive, you can take the National Highway 44, which is the quickest route between the two cities. Alternatively, you can also take the National Highway 7, which takes a slightly longer route but offers a more scenic drive

Check: Chandigarh to Patiala Bus Timings

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