Chandigarh ISBT 43 to Pathankot CTU Bus Timings Chandigarh to Pathankot Bus operates as per schedule given below:- Chandigarh ISBT 43 to Pathankot distance by road – 230 KMs Chandigarh to Pathankot bus ticket price/fare – Rs. 422/- Total Time Taken to reach Pathankot from ISBT 43 Chandigarh – 4.5 hours (approx.) Chandigarh to Pathankot CTU Bus Timetable S.No. Departure Time Route 1 07:00 A.M. Chandigarh ISBT 43 to Pathankot 2 07:50 A.M. Chandigarh ISBT 43 to Pathankot Distance between Chandigarh to Pathankot is 230 KMs. There are many options…
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