UNA to Chandigarh Bus operates as per schedule given below:-
UNA to Chandigarh ISBT 43 distance by road – 120 KMs
UNA to Chandigarh ISBT 43 bus ticket price/fare – Rs. 200/-
Total Time Taken to reach Chandigarh from UNA – 2.5 hours (approx.)
UNA Chandigarh ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings (AC Buses)
S.No. | Departure Time | Route |
1 | 01:30 P.m. | UNA to Chandigarh ISBT 43 |
2 | 04:30 p.m. | UNA to ISBT 43 |
UNA to Chandigarh ISBT 43 CTU Bus Timings (Non – AC Buses)
S.No. | Departure Time | Route |
1 | 11:50 a.m. | UNA to ISBT 43 |
2 | 12:45 p.m. | UNA to ISBT 43 |
4 | 05:00 a.m. | UNA to ISBT 43 |
Distance between UNA to Chandigarh is 120 KMs. There are many options available to travel like UNA to Chandigarh taxi, Volvo but the best suited is CTU bus because they run at regular timings daily.