Chandigarh To Amritsar Bus Timings


ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Amritsar Bus Timings

ISBT 43 to Chandigarh Bus operates as per schedule given below:-

Total Distance from ISBT 43 to Amritsar – 240 KMs

Chandigarh to Amritsar Bus Ticket Price – Rs.385/-

Total Time Taken to reach Amritsar – 5 hours (approx)

ISBT 43 to Amritsar CTU Timings (AC)

S. NODeparture TimeArrival TimeRoute
110:35 AM04:25 PMISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR

ISBT 43 (Chandigarh) to Amritsar Roadways Bus Time Table

S. NO Timings Route
105:21 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
206:10 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
308:21 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
412:00 p.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
504:05 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
601:28 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR
707:15 a.m. ISBT-43 TO AMRITSAR

Check our list of amazing  places to visit in Chandigarh.

Note: Passengers are advised to confirm the Timings of bus from Amritsar to Chandigarh during the Covid Situation.

The total distance from Chandigarh to Amritsar is 240 KMs, if you are travelling by CTU bus or volvo bus from Chandigarh to Amritsar it can take about 5 hours to reach. You can also check the Punjab roadways bus time shared above.

Amritsar is a city located in the state of Punjab, India, and is located approximately 240 kilometers northwest of Chandigarh. The journey by road from Chandigarh to Amritsar takes about 4-5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

There are several options for traveling from Chandigarh to Amritsar, including by bus, taxi, or car. The most popular and convenient option is to take a bus from Chandigarh to Amritsar, as there are frequent bus services available from Chandigarh to Amritsar, and the journey takes about 5 hours. Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi or drive your own car, which can be a more comfortable and faster option, although it may be more expensive.

If you are planning to travel from Chandigarh to Amritsar, it is advisable to book your tickets or hire a taxi in advance, as the demand for transportation can be high during peak tourist seasons. You should also make sure to carry your identification documents with you, as they may be required while traveling.

Check Amritsar to Chandigarh CTU Bus Timings

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