Chandigarh to Dharamshala CTU Bus Timings


Chandigarh to Dharamshala Bus operates as per schedule given below:-

Chandigarh ISBT-43 to Dharamshala via Bankhandi distance by road – 240KMs

Chandigarh to Dharamshala bus ticket price/fare – Rs.419/-

Total Time Taken to reach Dharamshala from Chandigarh ISBT-43 –  5.10 hours (approx.)

Chandigarh to Dharamshala CTU Bus Timetable

S.No.Departure TimeRoute
10:45 a.m. ISBT-43 to DHARAMSHALA 

Dharamshala is a beautiful hill station situated in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is located at an altitude of about 1,475 meters above sea level and is surrounded by dense pine forests and snow-clad mountains. Dharamshala is divided into two distinct parts- the lower Dharamshala and the upper Dharamshala.

Lower Dharamshala is a commercial hub with bustling markets and shops, while Upper Dharamshala is known for its scenic beauty, monasteries, and peaceful surroundings.

Check Places to Visit in Dharamshala

Check Dharamshala to Chandigarh Bus Timings

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